In50LDbyGerald NguyenJava Stream for Coding InterviewBoth practical and challenging, don’t skip this topicAug 13, 2023Aug 13, 2023
InNaukri EngineeringbyAnurag RanaRestTemplate is deprecated. Use WebClient.RestTemplate has been deprecated in favor of the newer WebClient in Spring Framework 5.0 and later versions. This means that while the…May 10, 20238May 10, 20238
The Java TrailHow I Reduced Startup Time By ~80% Using Database Connection pool?A connection pool is a cache of database connections maintained so that the connections can be reused when needed, reducing the overhead of…Sep 6, 2023Sep 6, 2023
InStackademicbyThe Java TrailAsynchronous API Design Best Practices: Server-Sent-Event(SSE) for Real-time CommunicationIn the realm of modern application development, real-time communication is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Asynchronous API design is…Sep 23, 20233Sep 23, 20233
InColibrITD QuantumbyMarta ReinaSuper-conductive qubitsWhy not just super qubits?Oct 6, 2023Oct 6, 2023
Ajay RathodSenior Java Dev Interview Question 2023-series-17(Contains All the Interview questions till now)In this article, we will explore some common interview questions frequently asked during senior Java developer interviews. These questions…May 16, 20232May 16, 20232
InLevel Up CodingbyJavier LopezCode Review != Pull RequestsThere are a lot of people whose first and unique relation with code reviews is through pull requests. So they think this is the only way…Oct 7, 20233Oct 7, 20233
InCodeXbyFarhan Tanvir7 Useful Java Libraries You Should Use in Your Next ProjectPower up your Java developmentSep 24, 20233Sep 24, 20233