Mehmet OzkayainDesign Microservices Architecture with Patterns & PrinciplesThe Problem with Clean Architecture: Vertical SlicesIn this article, we are going to learn the Problem with Clean Architecture which is Vertical Slices.Feb 15, 20237Feb 15, 20237
SomainJavarevisitedWhat is CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation) Pattern?Why use CQRS Pattern? What changes in your Microservices architecture by using CQRS PatternApr 9, 20231Apr 9, 20231
Panos ZafeiropoulosinDev GeniusSpring Boot Security Configuration, practically explained — Part5: From…Pass from deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to the new component-based (bean-based) security configuration, in an easy and…Dec 19, 20221Dec 19, 20221
Bubu TripathyDesign Patterns used in Spring FrameworkSpring Framework is a popular Java framework for building enterprise-level applications. It provides a wide range of features and…Mar 6, 20237Mar 6, 20237
Mohammed SafirWhat is difference between @Component and @Bean annotation in Spring?In the Spring framework, both @Component and @Bean annotations are used to declare beans. However, there is a difference in how they are…Apr 7, 2023Apr 7, 2023